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Principal Paul Penfold | British Concordance International School (BCIS)


英国协和国际学校是一所令人兴奋的新学校,成立于 2022 年,随着声誉的提高和来自世界各地的新生加入我们的教育之旅,学校也在稳步发展。我叫 Paul Penfold,2023 年加入 BCIS 社区,带领学校进入下一个发展和成长阶段。


我一生都在从事教育工作,拥有澳大利亚南昆士兰大学教育学硕士学位、牛津布鲁克斯大学教育与出版学士学位以及南安普顿大学教育证书。我是英国教育部注册教师(合格教师资格)。在专业上,我是特许人事与发展协会的特许会员,并于 1996 年因对教育和社会的贡献被提名为皇家艺术、商业和制造业学会会员。

过去 25 年来,我曾在亚太地区的不同地区从事高等教育、发展教育和人力资源开发工作,包括为该地区的政府、高等院校和学校提供咨询。我还参与了越南、柬埔寨、斯里兰卡和香港的项目,重点关注电子学习设计、元宇宙开发和机构发展等领域。我曾担任越南胡志明市 NTT 国际教育学院的教务主任,以及越南阮达成大学国际酒店管理学院的学术主任。我还在香港理工大学商学院和酒店及旅游管理学院工作了七年。

Principal Paul Penfold | British Concordance International School (BCIS)
Principal Paul Penfold | British Concordance International School (BCIS)
Principal Paul Penfold | British Concordance International School (BCIS)
Principal Paul Penfold | British Concordance International School (BCIS)
Principal Paul Penfold | British Concordance International School (BCIS)
Principal Paul Penfold | British Concordance International School (BCIS)
Principal Paul Penfold | British Concordance International School (BCIS)

The mission of British Concordance International School (BCIS) in Chiang Mai is to provide a high-quality, well-rounded education that fosters academic excellence, creativity, and personal growth. Our values include respect, integrity, responsibility, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

My vision for the school is to enhance the quality of academic study, foster innovation, promote student-centred and equity-based approaches, and encourage active learning, exploration, and creativity. I believe in creating a supportive and nurturing environment where our students can grow and excel while also ensuring that they are developing tech and life skills to equip them for their futures in our world.

Together with the dedicated faculty and staff at BCIS, I look forward to working closely with our parents and guardians, to achieve our shared goals.

Paul Penfold
Head of School

MEd, QTS, Chartered FCIPD

British Concordance International School, Chiang Mai

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